American Skipper Thinks New Zealand and Whangarei in Particular is a Great Place for a Refit

Harry, Master of the “ADELITA”, emailed Oceania Marine and puts it like this (summarised):

Hello to all, family and friends (new and old)..I just wanted to thank you for the nice hospitality shown to us, while in your beautiful country, and wish all of you the best (below)..I have to admit, catching kahawai’s off the dock while drinking coffee every morning is very habit forming, a fellow could get REAL used to that if he’s not careful….if I didn’t have a family in American Samoa, I can assure you, I would have found some excuse to linger a bit longer in the north island, and extend the ‘vacation’ I get every 3 years..with all the family, rugby, great kahawai fishing and vast selection of meat pies, it wouldn’t be hard to find a ‘reason’ to stay..alas, duty calls hmmmmm…one of the funniest aspects of this trip to NZ, was that everywhere I went, it seems someone knew the person that I was with at the time, lots of coincidences..funny that, in a country of 4 million plus..I should have played the lotto, won, and stayed a while..going to miss the cooler was nice while it lasted..ok we wish you all the best until next time, and hope that you will all stay in touch..cheers, Harry… 

Personal thanks:


Martin, what can I say mate..another fellow seaman, who understands the real value of time on land..I really enjoyed hanging around your boat yard(sorry, “superyacht repair facility”)…please pass on our thx and regards to Clint, Barry, Ed and the paint crew, as well as the professional with cockney accent..he really does know his game.. 


Thx again folks, much appreciated… 


We deliver a refit service of proven quality and efficiency