OCEANIA MARINE – Boarding Platform Design Commission

Oceania Marine’s design office supplies all the shipyard design inputs required to support both new construction and refit projects. This entails a wide variety of knowledge and skills covering all the major design areas of modern marine craft.

A recent example is the design commission received from a client that operates a large fleet of passenger vessels. These vessels service one of the largest cities in the Oceania region and complete numerous dockings per day at many wharves and jetties, all of which have different heights and arrangements. The client required its vessels to be fitted with a safe and compliant boarding platform which could be used at all boarding points. Additionally it had to be robust and strong and at the same time compact and light. Quite a tall order for our team to achieve.

A design brief was agreed and concept design carried out. After a review with the client the concept was approved to go into the detailed design stage. This is now complete and the prototype is about to be produced for trialling. Once trialling is complete there will be a further design review before production starts. To see what the design team came up with watch this video:

OCEANIA MARINE – Boarding Platform Design

As you can see the design team came up with a boarding platform that folded into a very compact space when raised by way of its hydraulic mechanism.  Anyone interested in what we have done are welcome to contact us for further information.

We deliver a refit service of proven quality and efficiency