Oceania Marine’s North Shipyard Freed Up for Larger Refit Projects
The opening of the new travel lift operation at South Shipyard has had the desired effect of freeing up North Shipyard for larger refit projects. The two shipyards are located close by each other enabling the efficient sharing of resources and has enabled Oceania Marine to both increase capacity and rationalise operations at North Shipyard. Oceania Marine Managing Director, Martin Gleeson explains:
“At North Shipyard we operate a traditional 800 tonne railway slipway and like any slipway of this type it is not the easiest operation to manage. They have drawbacks such as being slow, expensive and inflexible making them less suitable for smaller vessels. The opening of the Port Whangarei Marine Centre at South Shipyard, with its efficient travel lift service, extensive sealed hardstand and facilities, has meant that we have been able to divert these smaller vessels to that facility and concentrate on larger projects at North Shipyard.”
Consequently, North Shipyard has excellent forward bookings of larger craft and is far less likely to disappoint clients by not being able to accommodate their projects when it best suits the client.